Convert Between Miles and Kilometres 3 - Reasoning

Year 6
Convert Between Miles and Kilometres 3 - Reasoning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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Zach embarked on a three-day hiking adventure, during which he covered a total distance of 7 kilometres. To understand his progress in miles, we need to convert the distances using the approximate conversions provided: 7 km is roughly equivalent to 4.35 miles, and 2.4 km is about 1.49 miles. On the first day, Zach conquered a trail of 2.4 km. The following day, he outdid himself by hiking an additional 0.4 miles compared to the first day. The challenge lies in determining the distance he managed to traverse on the third day of his hike.

To calculate Zach's mileage on day three, we take the total distance hiked over the three days in miles, which is 4.35 miles, and subtract the sum of the distances covered on the first two days. On day one, he hiked 1.49 miles, and on day two, he hiked 1.49 miles plus an extra 0.4 miles. After performing the necessary calculations, we find that on day three, Zach completed a hike of 0.97 miles. This reasoning task not only tests the ability to convert between kilometres and miles but also requires the application of basic arithmetic to solve the problem.