Recognise Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions - Reasoning

Year 5
Recognise Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions - Reasoning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
AI generated

The exercise presents a reasoning task related to identifying and comparing mixed numbers and improper fractions. It requires students to determine the veracity of statements concerning two diagrams that depict fractions. The first statement, A) "Both diagrams show improper fractions," is declared false, as only the first diagram represents an improper fraction, which is when the numerator is larger than the denominator. Statement B) "Both diagrams show the same fraction," is also false because the fractions depicted are distinct from one another.

Statement C) "The fraction in the first diagram is greater than that in the second," is true. The first diagram illustrates the fraction 3/2, which is greater than the second diagram's fraction of 2/3, as confirmed by comparing the two values. The final statement D) "The sum of the two fractions is 1 1/6," is false. The correct sum of 3/2 and 2/3 is calculated to be 13/6, which when converted to a mixed number, equals 2 1/6, not 1 1/6 as suggested in the statement. The exercise reinforces understanding of improper fractions, mixed numbers, and the addition of fractions, as well as the importance of careful analysis in reasoning tasks.