Mass and capacity - Compare capacities - Starter

Year 3
Mass and capacity - Compare capacities - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In a mathematics lesson aimed at Year 3 students during the Summer Term, the class begins with a 'Fluent in Four' revision exercise that encourages quick mental arithmetic and understanding of place value. The children are tasked with a series of problems designed to reinforce their numerical skills, such as adding numbers with hundreds and ones, and adjusting quantities by tens. For instance, they must calculate the sum of '4 hundreds and sixty-seven ones' with a number that is '5 less than 40 tens', which tests their ability to convert and add different units of measurement within the number system.

Further exercises in the session include solving problems such as finding '100 less than 685', '10 more than 84', and '10 less than 302', which help students practice increasing and decreasing numbers by tens and hundreds. The lesson also incorporates practical understanding of capacity, asking students to complete a table and provide missing information about the capacity of a bowl in litres and millilitres. Additionally, the children are engaged in activities like shading fractions of shapes and connecting these visual representations to numerical fractions such as 'half' and 'two quarters'. These varied tasks are designed to build a strong foundation in both arithmetic and the understanding of mass and capacity.

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