Time - Finding the duration - Worksheet
Maths Resource Description
The worksheet from Master the Curriculum focuses on teaching children how to find the duration of events using both analogue and digital clocks. It is designed to help students develop their reasoning and problem-solving skills. The exercises encourage children to work out time durations by using clocks with moveable hands, allowing them to practically apply their knowledge. They are prompted to find the most efficient strategies for calculating time, such as using half hours, quarters of an hour, and five-minute intervals. Initially, the worksheet presents simple exercises starting with o'clock and half-past times, and then progresses to more complex tasks involving multiple increments of five minutes, as well as converting hours and minutes to find the end time of various events.
In addition to finding durations, the worksheet includes a section on comparing durations, where children calculate the length of different TV programmes based on their start and finish times. Students are required to calculate the duration in minutes and hours, and then determine the finish time for each programme. The worksheet provides a range of scenarios with varying levels of difficulty, from straightforward calculations to more complex ones that require converting and multiplying time units. Finally, the worksheet presents a reasoning and problem-solving challenge where students evaluate different methods used by characters Tia, Malachi, and Leanna to calculate the duration of their piano lesson, encouraging them to discuss the accuracy of each method and to consider if there is a more efficient approach. The correct answers are provided, confirming that Malachi and Leanna's methods are accurate, while Tia's is not.