Time - Quarter past and quarter to - Worksheet

Year 3
Time - Quarter past and quarter to - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In a series of engaging worksheets, children are tasked with mastering the concept of time, specifically focusing on 'quarter past' and 'quarter to' the hour. The exercises are designed to help students read and draw these times, applying their understanding of fractions and the movement of clock hands. Children learn to recognise the subtle progression of the hour hand as it accompanies the minute hand, noting that at 'quarter past' the hour, the hour hand is just beyond the hour mark, and at 'quarter to' it is just before. The worksheets present various times for the children to choose from, encouraging them to circle the correct time and further solidify their time-telling skills.

Beyond simply identifying these quarter-hour times, the worksheets also challenge students with reasoning and problem-solving tasks. They must calculate the time after a certain number of hours and minutes are added or determine the time from a past point. One intriguing activity involves deciphering times from clocks with obscured faces, prompting children to explain their reasoning. Additionally, the worksheets include exercises that ask how many quarters of an hour are between two given times, fostering a deeper comprehension of time intervals. Answers are provided to support learning and verify understanding, ensuring that students are equipped to recognise 'quarter to' and 'quarter past' times with fluency and precision.

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