Time - Telling the time to 5 minutes - Presentation
Maths Resource Description
In the fifth lesson of a series on time, students are tasked with learning to tell the time to the nearest five minutes. To begin, they are encouraged to consider how many minutes are in an hour and, subsequently, how many five-minute intervals make up an hour. This foundational knowledge sets the stage for the day's learning objectives. The lesson encourages discussion and questioning, prompting students to think about what they already know that could aid them in understanding the concept of time. This includes identifying the minute and hour hands on a clock and discerning whether the minute hand is pointing past or to the hour.
The lesson includes a series of activities designed to develop students' fluency and reasoning skills in telling the time. Activity 1 focuses on distinguishing between the short hour hand and the long minute hand, and understanding the significance of the minute hand's position in relation to the hour. In Activity 2, students are asked to read various clocks and express the time shown, using phrases like 'minutes past' or 'minutes to' the hour. Further exercises challenge students to draw the hands on clocks to represent specific times, such as '25 minutes to 6'. The lesson also introduces reasoning tasks where students must justify their understanding of time, for example, by determining whether a statement about the position of the hour hand is correct. Independent work reinforces these concepts, with students writing times and drawing clock hands, while discussions and questions help to solidify their learning and address any misconceptions.