Fractions - Order fractions - Worksheet
Maths Resource Description
The worksheet provided is a comprehensive resource for teaching children how to order both unit and non-unit fractions. It is designed to enhance their reasoning and problem-solving skills. In the initial tasks, students are asked to arrange unit fractions and fractions with identical denominators using bar models to assist in visualisation. The bar models help students to see the fractions in a tangible form, allowing them to write the fractions in both ascending and descending order. The worksheet includes a variety of exercises, starting with four fractions to order, and progressing to more complex tasks where children are presented with five or even seven fractions to sequence without the aid of visual models.
For practical understanding, the worksheet encourages hands-on interaction by having students physically cut out the fraction cards and arrange them. This tactile approach is designed to reinforce the concept of ordering fractions from least to greatest, or vice versa. In addition to ordering exercises, the worksheet includes a section dedicated to identifying and correcting mistakes, which further enhances critical thinking. The children are challenged to spot errors in given sequences and to use digit cards to create fractions in ascending order, with the task of finding multiple solutions to develop flexibility in their mathematical thinking. The worksheet is structured to progress in difficulty, with the final tasks demanding a higher level of fluency and precision as students work towards mastery of the concept.