Fractions - Count in tenths - Worksheet
Maths Resource Description
The worksheet titled "Count in Tenths" is designed to help children understand and practice counting in tenths. It focuses on both fluency and precision, as well as reasoning and problem-solving skills. The exercises encourage students to count up and down in tenths, using various representations such as number lines, counting sticks, and visual patterns. They are also challenged to think critically about what happens when they count beyond the whole number, transitioning from tenths to elevenths. While mixed numbers are not a requirement for this activity, students may begin to recognize patterns such as ten tenths equating to one whole.
Further activities on the worksheet include labelling parts of a counting stick, completing sequences, and identifying the fraction before, between, and after given tenths. Children are invited to express the number of tenths circled in different ways, enhancing their understanding of fractions. Additionally, problem-solving questions prompt students to identify and correct mistakes in counting, compare the sizes of different tenths, and explain their reasoning. These exercises aim to deepen the students' comprehension of fractions and their ability to articulate mathematical concepts clearly.