Fractions - Count in tenths - Presentation

Year 3
Fractions - Count in tenths - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In this engaging mathematics lesson, students will delve into the world of fractions by learning how to count in tenths. The lesson begins with a discussion prompt, encouraging students to consider what changes and what remains the same when counting in fractions. A series of activities are then introduced, each designed to build fluency and reasoning skills. In the first activity, students are presented with a counting stick, representing one whole, divided into ten equal parts. They are tasked with labelling each part of the counting stick with the corresponding fraction, such as 1/10, 2/10, and so on, and then to practice counting forwards and backwards along the stick.

As the lesson progresses, students continue to explore tenths through various exercises, including completing patterns in tables that represent the tenths as pictorial representations, words, and fractions. They are challenged to continue sequences and answer questions that test their understanding of the order of tenths, such as identifying what comes before or after a given fraction, and counting back from a specific point. The lesson also includes reasoning tasks where students must identify mistakes in counting sequences and justify whether statements about the relationships between tenths are true or false. Independent work further consolidates their learning as they complete tables, sequences, and respond to true or false statements, all centred around the concept of counting in tenths.

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