Fractions - Order fractions - Planning
Maths Resource Description
In a Year 3 mathematics lesson, the focus is on ordering fractions, an essential skill in understanding their relative sizes. The lesson utilises a variety of resources, including worksheets, presentations, Cuisenaire rods, and fraction circles or squares to help visualise the concept. Key terminology such as 'fractions', 'numerator', 'denominator', and 'unit fraction' is introduced and reinforced. The lesson begins with a practical exercise where children use strips of paper to create and compare fractions, learning that with a constant numerator, a larger denominator indicates a smaller fraction. They then apply this knowledge to order fractions and discuss their reasoning, linking back to the principles learned.
Further activities encourage students to order non-unit fractions using a number line and bar model, promoting a deeper understanding of the concept through visual representation. The lesson includes partner discussions to explore and challenge misconceptions, such as whether a larger numerator always means a smaller fraction when the denominator is constant. By the end of the lesson, students should be able to order unit and non-unit fractions with the same denominator and explain their reasoning. The lesson plan is designed to cater to different levels of understanding, from those working towards the expected level to those capable of ordering fractions without visual aids, aiming for greater depth in their comprehension of the subject.