Fractions - Compare fractions - Planning

Year 3
Fractions - Compare fractions - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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The Year 3 summer term lesson on fractions is designed to enhance students' understanding of comparing fractions. The National Curriculum objectives for this lesson include recognising and illustrating equivalent fractions with small denominators, comparing and ordering unit fractions as well as those with identical denominators, and performing addition and subtraction of fractions within one whole. To facilitate learning, key vocabulary such as 'fraction', 'numerator', 'denominator', and 'equivalent' are introduced, along with concepts of 'unit fraction', 'non-unit fraction', and terms related to fraction sizes such as 'half', 'quarters', 'thirds', and so on. Cuisenaire rods and interactive resources are suggested as tools to aid visual learning, and worksheets are provided for independent practice.

During the lesson, students begin by recalling previous knowledge through activities such as comparing portions of a chocolate bar and discussing which is larger, using visual aids like Cuisenaire rods or drawings. They engage in partner talk to explore the concept that with the same numerator, a larger denominator indicates a smaller fraction, and vice versa. Through activities and guided reasoning tasks, students draw generalisations about fraction comparisons, using stem sentences to articulate their understanding. The lesson aims to ensure that by the end, students can confidently compare fractions, particularly when denominators are the same, and can articulate that a larger numerator results in a larger fraction. The lesson concludes with a reflective 'Give me five' activity, where students identify what they've learned, the skills they've used, and make a 'Pinkie promise' to remember key concepts from the lesson. Differentiated tasks cater to varying levels of proficiency, from working towards understanding to achieving greater depth in fraction comparison.

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