Fractions - Fraction of an amount 2 - Planning

Year 3
Fractions - Fraction of an amount 2 - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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The Year 3 summer term lesson on fractions delves into the concept of non-unit fractions of amounts, aligning with National Curriculum objectives. Students are expected to recognise and show equivalent fractions, compare and order them, as well as add and subtract fractions with the same denominator. Key vocabulary for the lesson includes terms such as fraction, numerator, denominator, unit fraction, and non-unit fraction. The lesson utilises a variety of resources, including worksheets, presentations, and practical objects like counters, to help students visualise and understand the fractions. The class begins with a review of prior knowledge, followed by practical activities where students group objects to find fractions of a whole and use bar models to visualise fractions of amounts. The lesson aims to address common misconceptions, such as confusing the numerator with the denominator and misunderstanding the representation of non-unit fractions.

Throughout the lesson, students are engaged in independent learning and reasoning tasks that challenge them to apply their understanding of fractions to real-world problems. They are encouraged to use STEM sentences to articulate their thought process and to utilise bar models for visual support in calculating fractions of number amounts. The lesson's plenary includes a reflection activity called "Give me five", where students evaluate what they have learned, the skills they used, and any difficulties they encountered. Depending on their level of understanding, children work towards different objectives, from beginning to grasp the roles of the numerator and denominator, to completing bar models for non-unit fractions, and progressing to a greater depth where they confidently handle more complex tasks involving fractions. The lesson supports a scaffolded approach to learning, ensuring that each child can achieve success and deepen their understanding of fractions.

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