Length and Perimeter - Calculate perimeter​ - Planning

Year 3
Length and Perimeter - Calculate perimeter​ - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In a structured lesson aimed at Year 3 students, the concept of calculating the perimeter is explored. This session is part of a series on Length and Perimeter, and it employs a variety of resources such as worksheets and a presentation to facilitate learning. The lesson begins with a 'fluent in four' question set, which helps to recap previous learning. The children are then introduced to the key vocabulary, including terms like 'metres', 'centimetres', 'perimeter', and 'accurate'. The class teaching input focuses on understanding the properties of shapes to calculate the perimeter of simple 2D shapes, highlighting the connection between repeated addition and multiplication as methods for working out the perimeter.

Through a series of activities, the children are encouraged to discuss and apply various strategies for measuring perimeter. They start by adding up the sides of a hexagon, using their addition skills. They then move on to finding the perimeter of squares and rectangles, discovering more efficient methods, such as multiplication. The lesson also includes partner discussions, where students are prompted to explore different approaches to calculating perimeters, including working out missing lengths when only some sides of a shape are labelled. The lesson concludes with independent work on differentiated worksheets and a plenary session that reinforces the learning objectives. The 'Give me five' reflection activity allows students to consider what they have learned about calculating perimeter, the skills they used, and what they might have found challenging, ensuring they remember the key points from the lesson.

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