Addition and subtraction - Subtract with two-digit numbers - Worksheet

Year 3
Addition and subtraction - Subtract with two-digit numbers - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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The worksheet provided is a comprehensive tool to teach Year 6 students the concept of subtracting two-digit numbers, specifically focusing on the method of 'crossing ten'. The National Curriculum objective is to solve problems with subtraction using a variety of resources, including concrete objects, pictorial representations, and applying mental and written methods. To facilitate learning, differentiated worksheets, teaching slides, Base 10 blocks, and number lines are utilized as resources. Students are encouraged to use their understanding that one ten is equivalent to ten ones to make exchanges during subtraction, and they are introduced to the skill of flexible partitioning which is essential for calculations involving exchanges.

The vocabulary for this lesson includes terms like addition, subtraction, exchange, larger, smaller, tens, ones, value, column, part-whole, number line, efficient, difference, and counting on. These terms are crucial for students to grasp the concept of subtraction when crossing ten. The worksheet guides students through different methods to solve subtraction problems, with varying levels of support ranging from full examples to independent work. Key questions prompt students to think critically about the process, such as whether they need to subtract ones before tens and the most efficient method to find the difference between numbers. The worksheet also offers reasoning and problem-solving tasks to deepen students' understanding of the concept.

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