Time - Find durations of time - Worksheet

Year 2
Time - Find durations of time - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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The worksheet 'Find Durations of Time 2' is designed to teach children how to calculate the duration of various events by identifying their start and end times. This concept, known as the duration of an event, is a fundamental time-measuring skill. To assist in understanding and practising this skill, the worksheet provides exercises where children can use individual clocks and number lines. The exercises encourage counting in five-minute increments, starting with o'clock times and progressing to more complex time intervals. The worksheet includes a table for students to fill in, noting the start and end times, and calculating the time passed and the duration in minutes.

In addition to fluency and precision tasks, the worksheet offers a reasoning and problem-solving scenario where children are tasked with creating a timetable for Malachi's birthday party. The party is scheduled from 9 am to 5 pm, and the children must allocate time for various activities, including breakfast, party games, crazy golf, a visit to Pizza Palace, and watching a film. The challenge is to fit all activities into the eight-hour window, considering that Malachi will have an hour spare. This exercise not only tests the children's ability to find durations but also their skill in time management and planning. After completing their timetable, children are encouraged to compare their schedules with their friends to see if they have arrived at the same plan.

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