Length and height - Measure length cm - Presentation

Maths Resource Description
In this series of engaging teaching slides, students are invited to delve into the concept of measuring length and height in centimetres. The lesson begins with a discussion around what a centimetre is and which objects would typically be measured using this unit. Students are encouraged to explore and articulate their understanding of various objects and their dimensions. The lesson focuses on the practical application of measuring skills, prompting students to identify the length of objects to the nearest centimetre, with the clear instruction that the images provided are not to scale, thus honing their estimation abilities.
Subsequent activities are designed to reinforce the practical skills of measurement. Students are tasked with measuring the height of different objects, again to the nearest centimetre, fostering their attention to detail and accuracy. They are also given the opportunity to find and measure objects themselves, further solidifying their understanding of length and height in a tangible context. The lesson includes drawing exercises where students must use a ruler to draw lines of specified lengths, emphasising the importance of starting from zero to ensure precision. Reasoning tasks challenge students to consider the constancy of an object's length regardless of its orientation and to critique incorrect measurements, such as when an object is not aligned with the zero marker on a ruler. Independent work reinforces these concepts, asking students to measure, record, and draw with accuracy, while discussions prompt them to reflect on the importance of correct measuring techniques.