Fractions - Find a quarter - Worksheet
Maths Resource Description
The 'Find a Quarter' worksheet is an educational resource aimed at helping Year 6 students master the concept of fractions, specifically quarters. It aligns with the National Curriculum objective of recognising, finding, naming, and writing fractions such as 1/3, 1/4, 1/2, and 3/4 of a length, shape, set of objects, or quantity. To facilitate learning, the worksheet is accompanied by teaching slides and practical objects like cubes. The vocabulary for the lesson includes terms such as whole, part, half, quarter, quantity, equal, unequal, more, and less. Students will compare halves and quarters by solving problems that involve finding quarters of shapes and quantities.
The worksheet is designed to cater to different levels of understanding, offering fluency, precision, reasoning, and problem-solving tasks. Students begin by identifying shapes divided into quarters and sharing objects equally to represent a quarter. They are encouraged to draw models and complete tables to reinforce their understanding of how to find a quarter of a given number. As they progress, the tasks become more challenging, requiring them to solve money problems involving quarters and halves, and to work backward from a quarter to find the original whole. The worksheet also includes reasoning and problem-solving sections, where students label parts of a ladder to represent halves and quarters, and explain the reasoning behind their answers to deepen their comprehension of the concept of quarters.