Statistics - Interpret pictograms 1-1 - Worksheet

Year 2
Statistics - Interpret pictograms 1-1 - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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This educational resource focuses on teaching children how to draw and interpret pictograms. Pictograms are simple graphical representations where symbols stand in for a certain number of items. In this exercise, the children will learn to draw pictograms that use symbols to represent units of 2, 5, or 10. They will also understand how to depict half a symbol, such as using half a symbol that represents 2 to signify 1. The activity encourages the development of skills in counting in multiples of 2, 5, and 10, and applying this knowledge to complete their own pictograms. This will enable them to answer questions about the data represented, such as totals, comparisons, and identifying the most or fewest items depicted.

The worksheet includes a variety of tasks that cater to different levels of learning, from working towards the objective to achieving greater depth. Students are given tally charts and asked to draw corresponding pictograms, with keys indicating whether one symbol represents a single item, or multiple items. They are prompted to think critically about their representation and to compare their work with that of a peer, discussing similarities and differences. Key vocabulary such as 'vote', 'tally chart', 'count', 'symbol', 'data', and 'compare' are integral to the lesson, ensuring children are familiar with the terms related to data handling. The tasks are designed to encourage fluency and precision, helping students to ask and answer questions about categorical data and to understand the importance of clear representation in pictograms.

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