Multiplication and division - Make equal groups grouping 2 - Worksheet
Maths Resource Description
The worksheet titled "Make Equal Groups - Grouping 2" is designed to help children in mastering multiplication and division through practical exercises. The National Curriculum objective for this lesson is to recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5, and 10 times tables, as well as to identify odd and even numbers. To achieve this, a variety of resources are provided, including differentiated sheets, teaching slides, and concrete manipulatives. The key vocabulary for the session includes terms such as division, multiplication, repeated addition, groups, and total.
Students are tasked with dividing items to make equal groups and then using counting to determine the total number of groups formed. This is done through hands-on activities with concrete manipulatives and pictorial representations across various contexts. The exercises help students to understand the relationship between division, multiplication, and repeated addition. The worksheet presents practical problems, such as dividing sweets into jars or toys into boxes, and requires students to use number lines to assist in their calculations. The aim is to develop fluency and precision in making equal groups by grouping, and the problems are tailored to cater to different levels of understanding from working towards, working within, to achieving greater depth in problem-solving.