Multiplication and division - Multiplication from pictures - Worksheet

Year 2
Multiplication and division - Multiplication from pictures - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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Lesson 5 in the series on multiplication focuses on understanding multiplication through visual representation, specifically 'Multiplication from Pictures'. The National Curriculum objective is to solve problems involving multiplication and division using various strategies such as materials, arrays, repeated addition, and multiplication and division facts, including contextual problems. Resources for the lesson include differentiated worksheets, teaching slides, and objects for creating equal and unequal groups. Students are encouraged to use the multiplication symbol to calculate totals from pictorial representations and to interpret multiplication word problems by drawing images to aid their problem-solving. The use of coins is also suggested to facilitate understanding.

During the lesson, students are prompted with key questions such as the meaning of numbers in a multiplication sentence and are encouraged to create their own story problems. They practice writing calculations in the format of blank spaces to be filled with numbers and multiplication symbols, staying within the multiplication tables of 2, 3, 5, and 10. The activities include completing an incomplete table by adjusting pictures so that the multiplication sentences match. The lesson covers questions both within and beyond the 1-12 times tables. Students at different levels, from 'Working Towards' to 'Greater Depth', are provided with tasks that challenge their reasoning and problem-solving skills, such as creating multiplication sentences from pictures and explaining their reasoning behind the calculations.

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