Multiplication and division - Multiplication from pictures - Presentation

Year 2
Multiplication and division - Multiplication from pictures - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In a set of engaging and interactive slides, the concept of multiplication and division is brought to life through the use of visual aids and storytelling. The lesson, titled 'Multiplication from Pictures', encourages students to develop their understanding of multiplication by creating their own number stories. This approach allows students to visualise mathematical concepts, making the learning process both fun and memorable. For example, they are asked to discuss and tell a story about a multiplication sentence such as '3 x 2', helping them to connect the abstract concept of multiplication with real-world scenarios.

The lesson includes a series of activities where students are prompted to interpret and complete multiplication sentences derived from pictorial representations. They explore what numbers represent in different contexts, such as '4 lots of 3' or '3 multiplied by 4', and are tasked with filling in the blanks to complete equations. To deepen their understanding, students engage in reasoning exercises where they draw images to represent multiplication problems, such as calculating the total number of dolls in baskets or creating a story for the calculation '3 x 10'. This method of teaching not only reinforces their arithmetic skills but also enhances their ability to problem-solve and articulate mathematical reasoning through creative storytelling.

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