Multiplication and division - The multiplication symbol - Presentation

Year 2
Multiplication and division - The multiplication symbol - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In a series of engaging and interactive teaching slides, students are introduced to the concept of multiplication and the use of the multiplication symbol. The lesson plan is designed to help students understand that multiplication is a way of representing repeated addition. For instance, they are asked to complete sentences and equations that help them visualize the multiplication process. By filling in blanks, students learn to describe equal groups and the numbers within them. They engage with examples such as "There are ___ equal groups with ___ in each group" and solve problems like "___ x ___ = 18", reinforcing their understanding of multiplication as the addition of several equal groups.

The lesson continues with activities that further explore the multiplication symbol, encouraging students to draw representations, write repeated addition sentences, and create multiplication sentences. They are prompted to think critically about the relationship between addition and multiplication, for example, understanding how "6 + 6 + 6" is equivalent to "3 x 6" and yet represents a different process. Students are also asked to use comparison symbols to compare statements and to help a character named Malachi complete multiplications, demonstrating that there may be multiple solutions to a problem. Discussions are facilitated to deepen their comprehension of concepts like 'lots of' and to explore how multiplication sentences relate to their addition counterparts.

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