Addition and subtraction - Related facts - Planning

Year 2
Addition and subtraction - Related facts - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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The second year of primary education introduces pupils to the concept of related facts in addition and subtraction. The lesson plan is designed to help children understand the relationship between numbers and calculations, using resources such as Base 10 blocks, worksheets, and presentations. The key vocabulary includes terms like 'addition', 'subtraction', 'part-whole model', 'related fact', 'digit', 'value', and 'multiple'. Children begin by completing 'fluent in four' questions to recap their previous knowledge. The class teaching input focuses on the use of Base 10 to visually represent the concept that a ten is ten times bigger than a one, and similarly, a hundred is ten times bigger than ten. This concrete representation supports the children's understanding of place value and the magnitude of numbers.

During independent learning, children engage in practical activities to consolidate their understanding of related facts. They use Base 10 and part-whole models to prove simple addition equations and then extend this to represent tens and eventually hundreds. The lesson encourages the use of stem sentences to help verbalise their understanding of how known facts can aid in solving related problems. Key questions prompt the children to consider the relationships between numbers and to identify similarities and differences in their representations. The lesson plan also addresses common misconceptions, such as a lack of place value understanding and confusion in identifying multiples of ten. As children work through the activities, they are guided towards different levels of achievement, from working towards expected to greater depth, where they can create their own related facts questions and explain their reasoning.

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