Place value - Use a place value chart - Worksheet

Year 2
Place value - Use a place value chart - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In Lesson 12 of their mathematics curriculum, students delve into the concept of place value using a variety of resources and activities. The objective of the lesson is to help children identify, represent, and estimate numbers using different representations, including the number line. To achieve this, the lesson employs laminated place value charts and counters, alongside differentiated worksheets to cater to varying levels of ability. The key vocabulary for the lesson includes terms such as 'place value' and 'place value columns', which are crucial for students to understand and use correctly. The children are encouraged to formally present their work within the correct columns on the place value chart, enhancing their grasp of the concept. They will identify numbers on these charts and use base ten and place value counters to represent the given numbers, thereby utilising concrete, pictorial, and abstract representations to solidify their understanding.

Throughout the lesson, students are prompted with key questions to stimulate their critical thinking, such as inquiring about the quantity of tens and ones in a number and the differences between using base ten blocks and place value counters. Additionally, the worksheets guide students through various tasks, like representing numbers with the appropriate counters and base ten drawings, and reasoning exercises where they compare numbers to determine if they have the same value. The lesson progresses from simple identification of tens and ones to more complex partitioning tasks, aiming to develop the students' fluency and precision in working with place value charts. For those reaching greater depth, the lesson challenges them to create and represent two-digit numbers with equal tens and ones, further reinforcing their understanding of place value relationships.

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