Place value - Use a place value chart - Presentation

Year 2
Place value - Use a place value chart - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
AI generated

Exploring the concept of place value, a presentation guides students through the use of place value charts as a visual tool to understand the structure of numbers. The presentation prompts students to define place value and describe how a place value chart is used. Students are encouraged to discuss and identify the numbers represented on the charts, highlighting the similarities and differences when using base 10 blocks or place value counters. The charts are structured with columns for tens and ones, allowing learners to visually break down two-digit numbers and grasp the value of each digit within a number.

As the lesson progresses, various activities challenge students to apply their understanding of place value charts. They are tasked with creating two-digit numbers with equal tens and ones, such as 11, 22, 33, and so on, up to 99. The reasoning exercises further deepen their comprehension by comparing charts to determine if they represent the same value and to articulate what is the same or different about them. Independent work includes drawing base 10 blocks and place value counters to represent given numbers, thereby reinforcing the concept of place value and its practical application in understanding the numerical system.

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