Place value - Read and write numbers to 100 in numerals and words - Planning

Year 2
Place value - Read and write numbers to 100 in numerals and words - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In Year 2, children are introduced to the concept of place value, which is essential for understanding the numerical system. The lesson titled "Read and write numbers to 100 in numerals and words" is a part of the Autumn Place Value curriculum. During this lesson, children learn to match numerals with their corresponding written words up to the number 100. To aid in grasping the concept of tens and ones, various manipulatives such as bead strings, base 10 blocks, Numicon, coins, ten frames, and straws are utilised. These hands-on resources help children visualise and build the numbers, thereby reinforcing their understanding of place value. Worksheets and a presentation also support the learning process, and key vocabulary such as 'place value', 'digit', 'tens', 'ones', and 'numeral' is emphasised throughout the lesson.

The lesson is structured to enhance fluency and reasoning skills. In the first activity, children practice identifying the largest and smallest numbers and explore the common confusion between 'teen' and 'ty' numbers. Partner work encourages reasoning about number representations and verbalising their thought process using structured sentences. Further reasoning tasks ask children to arrange manipulatives differently and to count objects like cookies, challenging them to represent the count in both numerals and words. The lesson aims to address common misconceptions, such as the confusion between 'teen' and 'ty' numbers and the place value of digits, especially when crossing tens. By the end of the lesson, children are expected to have improved in recognising two-digit numbers in both numerals and words, counting in tens and ones, and overcoming tricky aspects of place value. The lesson concludes with a reflective 'Give me five' activity, where children assess what they've learned, the skills they've used, and what they found challenging, ensuring they remember the key points from the lesson.

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