Money - Counting in coins - Worksheet

Year 1
Money - Counting in coins - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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The worksheet titled "Counting Money" from is an educational resource aimed at enhancing students' ability to recognise and know the value of different denominations of coins and notes, in line with the National Curriculum objectives. To facilitate this learning, the worksheet provides differentiated sheets and teaching slides. Students are encouraged to apply their understanding of counting in multiples of 2, 5, and 10 to efficiently count coins. They may also draw coins or use representations to match given amounts and compare different sums of money. Key vocabulary for this lesson includes count, coin, pence, amount, and value.

Through a series of activities, children explore various concepts such as whether two people can have the same amount of money with a different number of coins, and if the largest number of coins always equates to the largest amount of money, prompting them to prove their understanding. The worksheet is structured to cater to different levels of proficiency: working towards, working within, and greater depth. Additionally, the "Reasoning & Problem Solving" section presents practical scenarios, such as Zach having to make 20 pence using only one type of coin at a time, or Tia and Esin having the same amount of money with different coins, which encourages students to apply their knowledge in real-world contexts and deepen their comprehension of money counting.

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