Money - Recognising coins - Worksheet

Year 1
Money - Recognising coins - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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The "Recognising Coins" worksheet is an educational resource aimed at helping children understand and identify different denominations of British currency, both coins and notes. The National Curriculum objective for this lesson is for students to recognise and know the value of various denominations. To facilitate this learning, differentiated sheets, teaching slides, and actual coins or pictures are used as resources. Key vocabulary terms such as 'recognise', 'coins', 'equivalent to', 'pence', and 'pound' are highlighted to enhance the children's understanding. The activities are designed to enable children to not only recognise each coin but also understand its value and how it relates to other denominations through the concept of equivalency, such as equating ten 1 pence coins to one 10 pence coin.

Engaging with key questions, students are encouraged to think about the organisation and value of coins, and how many of a particular coin are needed to make up different amounts in pence and pounds. The worksheet is structured to cater to varying levels of proficiency: 'Working Towards', 'Working Within', and 'Greater Depth'. Each level challenges students to recognise coins and match equivalent amounts using one, two, or three denominations of coins, respectively. Additionally, the "Reasoning & Problem Solving" section presents scenarios to stimulate critical thinking, such as identifying the odd coin out or discussing the value of coins based on their physical size versus their monetary value. Answers are provided to support the learning process and confirm the correct understanding of coin recognition and value.

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