Money - Recognising coins - Starter

Year 1
Money - Recognising coins - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In an engaging starter activity designed for Year 1 students during their Summer Term, children are introduced to the concept of counting and simple addition. The task, titled 'Fluent in Four - Revision', prompts students to count various coloured sweets, with spaces provided to fill in the correct numbers. They are asked to determine the total number of sweets by adding the individual counts together. This exercise serves to reinforce their understanding of basic arithmetic operations, as they also tackle simple sums such as doubling numbers and adding zero to a number. The activity is not only a fun way to practice counting but also encourages the development of early maths skills.

Further enriching their mathematical journey, the children are asked to complete a part-whole model by counting objects and identifying the relationship between different numbers. Additionally, the exercise includes a comparative element where students must use the terms 'heavier', 'lighter', or 'equal to' to compare weights, thus introducing them to basic concepts of measurement and comparison. This multi-faceted approach to learning ensures that the students are developing a well-rounded understanding of numbers and their properties, setting a strong foundation for future mathematical learning.

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