Money - Counting in coins - Presentation

Year 1
Money - Counting in coins - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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The educational resource focuses on teaching children the concept of counting coins and understanding the total value of different combinations of coins. It begins with a vocabulary session where terms such as 'money', 'value', 'pence', 'pounds', 'notes', and 'coins' are introduced, ensuring that students are familiar with the key terms related to the topic. The presentation then prompts students to recall the different coins used in British currency and encourages them to arrange these coins in order from the lowest to the highest value. Furthermore, the lesson engages students in discussions about the counting strategies that can be applied when dealing with coins and how these strategies may relate to their knowledge of times tables.

As the lesson progresses, students participate in various activities that challenge their understanding of money. One activity asks whether the largest number of coins corresponds to the largest amount of money, prompting students to think critically about the value of coins rather than just their quantity. Subsequent tasks involve calculating the total value of given coin combinations and comparing different amounts using symbols for 'greater than', 'less than', or 'equal to'. Additionally, the lesson includes reasoning exercises where students explore different ways to make the same amount of money using various coins, such as how many 1p, 2p, or 5p coins are needed to make 20p. This comprehensive approach to teaching money through counting coins helps students develop a practical understanding of currency and its value.

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