Money - Recognising coins - Planning

Year 1
Money - Recognising coins - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In the initial stages of learning about money, Year 1 students embark on a journey to understand the various denominations of coins and notes as part of their Measurement: Money unit. The National Curriculum objectives set for this week include the ability to recognise and know the value of different coins and notes. Essential vocabulary such as 'money', 'coins', 'notes', 'pence', 'pound', and terms related to comparison and calculation like 'total', 'greater than', and 'less than' are introduced. The lesson plan utilises differentiated worksheets, teaching slides, and accurate coin representations to facilitate learning. Students are encouraged to use the term 'pence' rather than 'p' to deepen their comprehension of currency as a unit of measurement, drawing parallels with other units like centimetres.

Through a series of partner activities, children are guided to sort coins into pence and pounds, write down their values, and understand that different combinations of coins can represent the same value. For example, a 5p coin has the same value as five 1p coins. This concept is reinforced with independent work on differentiated worksheets. The lesson aims to correct common misconceptions, such as the assumption that larger coins or those with higher numbers are worth more. The session concludes with a reflective 'Give me five' activity, where students consider what they've learned, the skills they've used, and what they found challenging. Progression through the activities allows children to work towards recognising coins and matching equivalent amounts using one, two, or three denominations, depending on their level of understanding, paving the way for greater depth in their knowledge of money.

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