Place value within 100 - Comparing numbers - Presentation - Starter
Maths Resource Description
In a Year 1 mathematics lesson, students explore the concept of place value within the range of 100, with a particular focus on comparing numbers. The lesson begins with a starter activity from the 'Fluent in Four' series, which serves as a revision exercise. Students are presented with a simple addition problem involving the number six and its double, encouraging them to engage in mental arithmetic and enhance their understanding of basic number operations. The correct answer to the problem is provided, reinforcing the concept of doubling and addition.
As part of the day's activities, children are asked to identify numbers that have been partitioned. They use part-whole models, a visual representation that helps them to break down numbers into their component parts, and then record the corresponding number. For example, the numbers 44 and 99 are broken down into their tens and ones. Additionally, students are encouraged to draw pictures of the partitioned numbers and write them out in both digit and word form, such as the number 7 as 'Seven'. To further enrich their learning, they use descriptive phrases like "full", "empty", "almost full", and "nearly empty" to discuss the concept of volume, which adds a practical element to the mathematical exercise and helps develop their mathematical vocabulary.