Place value within 100 - Ordering numbers - Presentation

Year 1
Place value within 100 - Ordering numbers - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In a series of engaging activities, students are introduced to the concept of ordering numbers within 100. The lesson begins with a discussion on what it means to put things in order, encouraging students to think about where they have encountered ordering in other contexts. The first activity involves arranging sets of counters on a table from most to least, helping students visually comprehend the quantity represented by each group. This activity serves as a practical exercise in understanding the comparative value of numbers and sets the stage for more complex ordering tasks.

Further activities build on this foundation, asking students to order various items including blocks and coins, as well as to sequence numbers from smallest to largest and vice versa. An interesting twist comes with a scenario where babies crawl to a toy box, and students must arrange them in a specific order based on given clues. The lesson also includes reasoning challenges, such as determining the number of cars in a toy traffic jam and completing number tracks with missing numbers, which encourage critical thinking and problem-solving. Independent work tasks extend learning, prompting students to cut out representations and order them, read clues to deduce quantities, and match numerals to their representations while ordering numbers in different ways. These activities are designed to enhance students' understanding of place value and the relative size of numbers.

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