Place value within 100 - Partitioning numbers - Planning

Year 1
Place value within 100 - Partitioning numbers - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum

Maths Resource Description

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In the Year 1 summer term, students focus on understanding place value within 100, with a particular emphasis on partitioning numbers. The lesson begins with a starter activity that encourages children to group numbers into tens and ones, a skill they have been developing. The class then moves on to using part-whole models and concrete resources such as tens and ones blocks to aid their understanding of partitioning. Through practical activities, children are taught to recognise the number of tens and ones in a two-digit number. For example, they learn that the number 65 comprises 6 tens (which is equal to 60) and 5 ones. The lesson aims to clarify the common confusion between the number of tens and the total value they represent, reinforcing the concept that 6 tens are not '60 tens' but rather make up the value of 60.

Partner work allows children to use a large partitioning diagram or whiteboards to further explore the partitioning of numbers into tens and ones. They are prompted with questions to deepen their understanding, such as why the number 34 has 3 tens and 4 ones. Differentiated worksheets provide independent learning opportunities, tailored to the varying levels of student understanding from working towards, to expected, to greater depth. The lesson concludes with a reflective 'Give me five' activity, where students consider what they have learned, the skills they used, and any challenges they faced. This helps them to consolidate their knowledge of place value and partitioning, and ensures they recognise the difference between the number of tens and the numerical value those tens represent.

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