Place value within 100 - Counting to 100 by making 10s - Planning

Maths Resource Description
In the first lesson of the Place Value unit for Year 1 during the summer term, students embark on an engaging journey to master counting to 100 by grouping in tens. The lesson begins with a recap of prior knowledge, setting the stage for the day's learning objective. The initial activity introduces the concept of a ten frame, a visual tool that helps children understand that ten individual units make up a 'group of ten'. Through interactive presentation slides, children observe that multiple ten frames filled with counters represent larger numbers, such as two tens equalling 20, and so on. The lesson encourages pattern recognition, prompting students to explore why five tens make 50 and to identify other numerical patterns with the help of their talk partners.
The second activity utilises a number line up to 100, where students practice counting forwards and backwards in tens. This reinforces the importance of understanding multiples of ten, a fundamental skill in developing number sense. The use of Dienes rods as a visual representation further cements the concept, as students count along with the instructor. The third activity employs a hands-on approach, where children use their hands to represent groups of ten and count objects, such as fingers or bears, in tens, dealing with any leftovers by counting on. This practical method of grouping and counting aims to solidify their understanding of tens and ones. Throughout the lesson, key questions prompt students to think about how to handle remainders when counting in tens, and a plenary session allows for reflection on what they've learned, the skills they've used, and how to address common misconceptions about counting in multiples of ten.