Position and direction - Descibe turns 2 - Worksheet

Year 1
Position and direction - Descibe turns 2 - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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The worksheet from masterthecurriculum.co.uk is designed to help students develop their understanding of position, direction, and movement by practicing quarter, half, three-quarter, and full turns. The activity requires students to apply these concepts by turning pictures according to the specified turns. The worksheet lists a sequence of turns, such as half turn, full turn, three-quarter turn, and quarter turn, and students must visualize and execute these turns with the given shapes or pictures. This exercise is not only about fluency in performing the turns but also precision in understanding the degree of rotation each turn represents.

Importantly, the worksheet acknowledges that shapes can be rotated both clockwise and anticlockwise, allowing students to recognize that direction is a crucial aspect of turns. The aim is to ensure that students can accurately describe the position and movement of an object after it has been rotated by a specified fraction of a turn. Answers are provided to allow students to check their work and ensure they have a solid grasp of the concepts. Through this activity, students enhance their spatial awareness and geometric reasoning, which are fundamental skills in mathematics.

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