Position and direction - Descibe turns 2 - Presentation

Year 1
Position and direction - Descibe turns 2 - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In the second lesson on describing turns, students delve deeper into the world of position and direction, focusing on mastering the terminology and concepts related to turns. They are encouraged to apply their understanding of left, right, half turns, quarter turns, and three-quarter turns to various fluency questions. The lesson begins with a lively 'teacher says' activity, akin to the familiar game 'Simon says', where students act as 'robots' responding to directional commands. This interactive approach helps to cement their grasp of basic turning directions. Subsequently, they work in pairs, giving and following instructions that incorporate terms such as 'quarter turn' and 'half turn', thus enhancing their comprehension through practical application.

As the lesson progresses, students engage in a series of activities designed to visually represent how shapes transform after making specific turns. They are tasked with drawing shapes after they have made quarter, half, three-quarter, and full turns, which prompts them to consider the impact of turning direction on the final orientation of a shape. This hands-on activity not only reinforces the concept of turns but also encourages students to think critically about the spatial changes that occur. To further deepen their understanding, students complete sentences to describe the turns made by various shapes and evaluate the accuracy of statements regarding turns, exploring the idea that there can be more than one correct answer depending on the direction of the turn. The lesson culminates in a discussion that challenges students to reflect on the nomenclature of turns, the possible directions of movement, and the visual outcomes of these positional changes.

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