Position and direction - Descibe position - Planning

Year 1
Position and direction - Descibe position - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In a Year 1 summer term lesson on Position and Direction, pupils are introduced to the concept of describing position through engaging and interactive activities. The lesson utilises a variety of resources, including a presentation, worksheets, cones, and Beebots, which are coding robots designed to make learning fun and hands-on. The key vocabulary for the session includes directional terms such as left, right, forwards, and backwards, as well as 'position' and 'direction'. Teachers are encouraged to use vocabulary cards and definitions to support learning, and children are expected to complete a 'fluent in four' questions exercise to reinforce their understanding.

The practical aspect of the lesson involves partner work where children use cones in the playground or school hall to create a route for their partner, guiding them with the correct positional language. Group work further enhances their understanding as they use Beebots to navigate across a grid, integrating ICT skills. This activity can be extended by having children draw their own grid with 'destinations' on sugar paper and direct the Beebot around it. After completing the independent activities, the class comes together for a plenary to discuss reasoning questions and address any misconceptions. The lesson concludes with a reflective 'Give me five' exercise, where children consider what they've learned, the skills they've used, and what they found challenging, ensuring they remember key concepts. Differentiated worksheets cater to varying levels of ability, from working towards understanding to achieving greater depth, with a focus on using positional language accurately and, at the highest level, understanding the value of coins.

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