Position and direction - Descibe turns 2 - Planning

Year 1
Position and direction - Descibe turns 2 - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In the Year 1 summer term, students delve into the concept of 'Describe Turns' during the first week of the Position & Direction unit. The lesson utilises a range of resources, including a presentation, worksheets, number pieces, 2D shapes, and mini whiteboards, to facilitate learning. Key terminology such as 'turn', 'quarter', 'left', 'right', 'half', 'whole', 'clockwise', and 'anticlockwise' is introduced, and students are encouraged to visit the website for vocabulary cards and definitions. The lesson begins with a starter activity that refreshes the children's understanding of left and right, using hand signals to create an 'L' shape as a mnemonic. The main class activity involves a game called 'Teacher says', which is similar to 'Simon says', to help children practice making half, whole, and quarter turns.

During partner work, students take turns giving and following instructions involving turns, enhancing their grasp of the concept. Group work includes practical activities where children draw and redraw objects on whiteboards to represent their turned positions, using the correct vocabulary. The teacher ensures that students understand 'clockwise' and 'anticlockwise' before they begin working on differentiated worksheets independently. The lesson concludes with a whole-class discussion to address reasoning questions and to ensure comprehension of how turns relate to direction and the fractions of a whole turn. Misconceptions such as the belief that there is only one correct way to make a quarter turn and confusion between left and right are addressed. To consolidate learning, students reflect on their understanding, the skills they used, what they found challenging, and the assistance they received, with a commitment to remember key lesson points.

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