Fractions - Find a quarter - Worksheet

Year 1
Fractions - Find a quarter - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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The worksheet is designed to enhance children's understanding of fractions, specifically focusing on finding a quarter of a shape. The exercises involve a variety of tasks where students are required to visually divide shapes into four equal parts. In some instances, the shapes are pre-divided with lines, and the students need to shade in one of the quarters to demonstrate their comprehension. The activity encourages the development of spatial awareness and the ability to recognise equal sections within different shapes.

Furthering their skills in fractions, the worksheet also presents challenges that require the use of a ruler to divide full shapes into quarters. Students are tasked with drawing lines that go up, across, and diagonally to show the different ways a shape can be quartered, enhancing their precision and fluency in the concept. Additionally, the worksheet includes reasoning and problem-solving questions where students must analyse statements related to the division of shapes into quarters, applying their knowledge to determine the accuracy of each statement. This section promotes critical thinking as children decide which statements are correct, marking them with ticks, and which are incorrect, marking them with crosses, thereby reinforcing their understanding of quarters in a practical context.

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