Fractions - Find a quarter of a quantity - Presentation

Year 1
Fractions - Find a quarter of a quantity - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In a lesson centred around understanding fractions, specifically how to find a quarter of a quantity, students are introduced to the concept of dividing a group of objects into four equal parts. The lesson starts by posing the question of what it means to find a quarter and how many equal groups should be created. For instance, with a set of eight lollies, the students learn to distribute them evenly to find out how many lollies each child would get if they were to be divided into quarters. The lesson employs a hands-on approach where students give out one lolly to each child at a time until they have evenly shared all the lollies, ensuring that each child ends up with an equal share, which is a quarter of the total.

Further activities reinforce the process of finding a quarter by first finding a half and then dividing that half into two, to result in quarters. The lesson uses visual representations, such as arrays of lollies, to help students visualise the division process. Students discuss and explore different ways to split a quantity into halves and then quarters, understanding that each quarter must be equal. For example, when presented with twelve ladybirds, students find that a half is six and subsequently, a quarter is three. The lesson continues with practical tasks where students build arrays and use blocks to physically represent and divide quantities into quarters, halves, and whole amounts, deepening their understanding of fractions and the relationship between these fractional parts.

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