Fractions - Find a half - Presentation

Year 1
Fractions - Find a half - Presentation
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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The concept of finding a half is introduced to students through engaging and interactive teaching slides, focusing on fractions. The lesson encourages students to explore what 'half' means in a practical context, prompting them to recall instances when they have encountered halves in everyday life. The initial discussion sets the stage for understanding that a half is one of two equal parts of a whole, whether it be an object or a quantity. Students are asked to consider items in their classroom that represent a whole and to think about how these can be divided into equal halves. The lesson further illustrates this concept by showing a circle divided into two equal parts, with one half shaded red to visually represent the idea of equal portions.

Subsequent activities in the lesson focus on real-life applications of finding a half. Students are shown how objects can be physically cut into halves and are challenged to think about the methods of doing so. They are then tasked with identifying which circles and squares have been split into equal halves, reinforcing the concept of equality in fractions. The lesson progresses to more hands-on tasks, such as matching halves to make complete shapes, which helps students understand that two halves make a whole. Independent work includes colouring in half of each shape and determining whether certain shapes have been correctly divided into halves. Throughout the lesson, students are encouraged to discuss and reason about halves, fostering a deeper comprehension of fractions and their practical significance.

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