Fractions - Find a quarter 2 - Planning

Year 1
Fractions - Find a quarter 2 - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In the second week of the summer term, Year 1 students delve into the concept of fractions, specifically focusing on finding a quarter of a quantity. The lesson employs a range of resources, including worksheets, presentations, counters, and objects to share, to facilitate hands-on learning. Key vocabulary such as 'quarters', 'equal parts', 'non-equal parts', 'four parts', 'sharing', and 'quantity' are introduced to build a solid foundation of understanding. Students are encouraged to use vocabulary cards and definitions from the accompanying website to reinforce their learning.

The lesson begins with a review of what was covered in the previous session, including the definition of a quantity and how to find half of it. This sets the stage for the day's objective: learning to divide objects into four equal parts to find a quarter. Practical activities are central to the lesson, with group work that involves sorting different quantities of objects into quarters, sometimes using hoops for visual aid. The importance of ensuring all groups are equal is emphasized, and a stem sentence is introduced to support understanding: 'The whole has been divided into 4 equal parts. Each part is one quarter of the whole'. Further activities include filling containers with rice or water to a quarter and identifying which container does not meet this criterion. As the lesson progresses, students tackle more abstract questions, continuing to use stem sentences and concrete resources to secure their understanding. The lesson concludes with reflection on what was learned, the skills used, and any challenges faced, ensuring that students are prepared to remember and apply the concept of finding a quarter in future contexts.

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