Fractions - Find a quarter of a quantity - Planning

Year 1
Fractions - Find a quarter of a quantity - Planning
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In the second week of the summer term, Year 1 students delve into the world of fractions, focusing on understanding and finding a quarter of an object, shape, or quantity. The National Curriculum objectives for this lesson are for children to recognise, find, and name a quarter as one of four equal parts. The lesson is designed to clarify key concepts such as sharing, halving, and ensuring fairness in division, which are essential when dealing with fractions. Vocabulary such as 'quarter', 'sharing', 'share equally', 'equal pieces', 'halve', 'halving', 'fair', 'lines', and 'represent' is highlighted to aid comprehension. The lesson includes practical activities using paper circles and squares, where children are encouraged to physically cut these shapes into quarters, reinforcing the idea of dividing something into four equal parts.

The lesson plan includes a variety of interactive elements to engage students in the learning process. Initially, the children recap previous knowledge about sharing and quarters, and they discuss common misconceptions. They then participate in paired discussions to explore different ways of making four equal pieces of a pizza, for instance, and to understand the importance of equal division. Practical activities help children visualise and create quarters, and reasoning questions prompt them to explain their understanding. Throughout the lesson, emphasis is placed on using the correct vocabulary and applying the concept of equal sharing. By the end of the lesson, students are expected to be able to identify and create quarters, with more advanced learners offering explanations as to why some shapes may be more challenging to quarter. The lesson concludes with a reflective 'Give me five' activity, where students consider what they've learned and understood about quartering shapes, the skills they've used, and what they found challenging, ensuring they remember the key points from the day's lesson.

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