Multiplication and division - Making doubles - Worksheet

Year 1
Multiplication and division - Making doubles - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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Lesson 10 in the series is all about 'Making Doubles' for children learning to double numbers up to 20. The objective is to solidify the concept that to 'double' means to have two groups of a particular number or amount. To achieve this, the worksheet encourages children to use both concrete and pictorial representations to show and explain the process of doubling. They are presented with various images and must determine whether these accurately represent doubles. In addition, they are tasked with doubling given amounts in images and then confirming their findings by completing number sentences that reinforce their understanding of the concept of doubling.

The worksheet progresses to include more challenging tasks where children are presented with complex images that have been doubled. They need to assess whether these images correctly show doubles and work out doubled amounts from visual representations of number pieces written as number sentences. To further deepen their comprehension, children are prompted to answer reasoning questions, enabling them to apply their knowledge of doubles in different contexts. The 'Fluency & Precision' section of the worksheet asks children to identify correct representations of doubled quantities and to correct any that are wrong, while the 'Reasoning & Problem Solving' section encourages them to observe patterns, such as the numbers increasing by twos, and to apply logical thinking to solve problems related to doubling.

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