Multiplication and division - Make arrays 2 - Worksheet

Year 1
Multiplication and division - Make arrays 2 - Worksheet
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
AI generated

The worksheet focuses on teaching children the concept of arrays, a fundamental element in understanding multiplication and division. Arrays are presented as a visual method for creating equal groups arranged in rows and columns. This approach allows children to build a concrete understanding of multiplication by physically arranging objects or pictorial representations. Initially, the worksheet directs children to observe arrays in terms of rows and columns within a table, reinforcing the spatial aspect of arrays. Students are encouraged to use sentence stems to articulate their understanding, which helps in developing both mathematical fluency and precision.

Progressing through the worksheet, students are tasked with not only identifying rows and columns but also with completing repeated addition sentences that correspond to the arrays. This step bridges the gap between visual representation and numerical expression, deepening their comprehension of how multiplication relates to addition. The worksheet includes a variety of exercises where students fill in missing information, draw arrays based on given clues, and solve problems that require reasoning. For example, they might be given the number of columns and items in each column and then need to calculate the total number of items by completing the repeated addition sentence. The worksheet also challenges students to reason about arrays, asking them to compare arrays with different numbers of rows and columns and to explain their answers, thus enhancing their problem-solving skills.

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