Multiplication and division - Make equal groups grouping activity - Starter

Year 1
Multiplication and division - Make equal groups grouping activity - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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During the Summer Term in Week 4, Day 1, Year 1 students are introduced to the concepts of multiplication and division through a practical grouping activity. The session starts with a 'Fluent in Four - Revision' exercise, where students warm up their mathematical skills by completing sentences that reinforce their understanding of doubling numbers. For example, they are prompted with "Double _____ is ______", and they must fill in the blanks to show their comprehension of multiplication as repeated addition. This exercise is followed by a series of calculations that blend addition and halving, such as finding the sum of half of 8 plus half of 10, which equals 9.

The lesson continues with a focus on applying these mathematical concepts to real-world scenarios. Students are asked to determine if there are enough carrots for each rabbit, highlighting the practical application of division and the concept of equal distribution. They are also tasked with identifying situations where there are too many or not enough items, such as carrots or rabbits, prompting them to think critically about quantities and grouping. Additionally, students are encouraged to explore measurement through determining the mass of a cylinder in cubes, further expanding their mathematical vocabulary and understanding of different units of measurement. The lesson is structured to build foundational skills in both multiplication and division by engaging students with relatable and interactive problems.

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