Multiplication and division - Making doubles - Starter

Year 1
Multiplication and division - Making doubles - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In the 'Making Doubles' starter activity for Year 1, students are presented with a series of engaging mathematical challenges designed to reinforce their understanding of basic addition and the concept of doubling. The activity starts with a 'Fluent in Four' revision section, where students are prompted to solve simple equations, such as finding the result of thirteen minus double six. This exercise not only tests their arithmetic skills but also their knowledge of doubling numbers.

The worksheet continues with a practical task where students are asked to complete a table by filling in the number of columns and rows in an array, as well as the number of balls in each. This visual representation helps them grasp the idea of multiplication as repeated addition. The activity further explores the concept of place value, asking students to break down numbers into tens and ones, and to complete addition equations that reinforce this understanding. For instance, they must figure out what number added to four equals seven or what number added to three results in seventeen. By completing these additions, the children practice their counting and addition skills, laying a solid foundation for their mathematical development.

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