Multiplication and division - Make arrays 2 - Starter

Year 1
Multiplication and division - Make arrays 2 - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In a Year 1 mathematics lesson, part of the Summer Term curriculum for Week 3, Day 4, students are encouraged to develop their understanding of multiplication and division through the concept of arrays. The lesson begins with a 'Fluent in Four' revision exercise, which is designed to quickly engage students with basic arithmetic problems. For example, the students are presented with a subtraction problem where they must calculate the result of 20 minus 1, and another where they find the difference between fourteen and seven. These exercises serve as a warm-up to the main topic of the lesson.

The core activity involves visualising and creating arrays to better understand multiplication. The students are asked to observe a window and determine the number of rows it has, reinforcing their counting skills. They are then presented with a scenario involving fish tanks, where they must figure out the number of fish in each tank and the total number of tanks to calculate the total number of fish. This hands-on approach to arrays helps students to grasp the concept of multiplication as repeated addition, laying the groundwork for more advanced arithmetic in the future. The lesson is interactive and allows for a clear demonstration of how multiplication can be visualised and solved in a practical context.

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