Multiplication and division - Make arrays - Starter

Year 1
Multiplication and division - Make arrays - Starter
Master The Curriculum
Master The Curriculum
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In a stimulating mathematics lesson designed for Year 1 students, the focus is on mastering the concept of multiplication and division through the use of arrays. The lesson starts with a 'Fluent in Four' revision exercise that encourages students to think about numbers and quantities in various ways. They are asked to calculate the number of wheels on a given number of bikes by forming groups and multiplying, which not only reinforces their understanding of multiplication but also introduces them to the concept of arrays. Additionally, the exercise includes simple addition and subtraction problems to ensure a well-rounded revision of basic arithmetic skills.

The lesson continues with a practical application of counting and multiplication, where students are tasked with identifying squares within a grid of letters, further enhancing their visual and spatial understanding of arrays. This is followed by a real-world measurement activity, where small glasses are used as units of measure to determine the volume of liquid in a bucket, blending mathematics with everyday experiences. By completing sentences and solving problems, students consolidate their learning and develop a stronger grasp of how to quantify and calculate using arrays, addition, and simple multiplication.

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